- Steps for Buying a Vehicle
- Car Insurance Infographic
- Before You Buy a Used Vehicle
- Creating a Budget
- How to Budget Layed Out
- What is Budgeting? What is a Budget?
- Reasons to Budget!
- Create a plan for spending your money
- To have money for the things that are important to you
- Work your way out of debt / Keep yourself out of debt”
- Reasons to have a Credit Card!
- Build your credit score
- For larger purchases
- Many businesses such as hotels require one
- Credit Card/Interest Infographic
- Choosing a Credit Card
- Requirements for Voting in Canada
- Canadian Citizen
- 18 years of age or older on election day
- Provide acceptable proof of identity and address
- The Voting Process
- ElectionsNB: When & Where to Vote
Crisis Worker: (506) 856-2444
Mental Health Programs
Other Peer Programs
- Major Crisis
- Major Mental Health Problems
- Crisis Help Phone Line
- Atlantic Wellness Community Center: 382-0298
- Youth Mental Health Clinic: 382-9804
- Youth Q.U.E.S.T Central: 869-6355
- YMCA ReConnect
- Salvus Clinic 384-7283
- Applying to Ontario Universities
- New Brunswick Post-Secondary
- Nova Scotia Post- Secondary
- Prince Edward Island